Oh, joy. Just when you think you have everything sorted.

Just when you think that you have all of your baby duckies lined up neatly in a row, something goes and changes. A big wet scary towel is thrown over you and your head is you find yourself being yanked pulled along with the flow.

I just wanted to make this absolutely clear before you listen to this week Behind the Scenes Podcast with Tessa, our 17-year-old daughter, and me.

What may sound like a very calm and easy-going mother talking to her up-in-the-air-daughter is actually a woman whose mind is filled with jumble, fear, excitement, pride, and worry.

All parents know this feeling. Each and every one of us go through this at least a billion times a year with our kids. 


I know that you are going to love this episode. Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog or sending me a quick email at [email protected] I read and reply to every single email.




Mother and daughter doing a podcast on the fear of taking a different route


In this podcast, Tessa and I talk openly about:


  • Tessa’s decision NOT to graduate. To change paths. To no longer ‘do’ education.
  • The fear around making decisions that don’t fit neatly into a square box. 
  • Dealing with peer pressure.
  • My, the parent’s, perspective. My fears.
  • The one most important skill that all parents need to keep moving forward.



Give us Some Feedback on This Podcast!



Would you like to hear more of these Behind The Scenes Podcasts?

We would love it if, after listening to this podcast, you took the time to let us know your thoughts? Leave a comment below or send me an email.  I answer every single email.

[email protected]


Have you listened to our other Behind The Scenes Episodes?

Episode 1; Meeting our teenage daughter, Tessa

Episode 2: Our boy, Sonny at 20. Homeschooled. No college education. Three (very different) careers.

Episode 3: We met online. 

Episode 4: Why we REALLY left the UK






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