If you are moving to New Zealand there are things you’ll want to know. Like how to fit in and get along. And who better to answer that question than a true, born and bred New Zealander.
Today we are thrilled to be chatting with Gordy. A real kiwi bloke.
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Fitting in in New Zealand
If you are considering moving to New Zealand you will be as desperate as we were to learn as much as you can about the country.
You will have many, many questions. Some of them, people like us can answer for you. We have been living in New Zealand for twelve years, and we can share our honest trials and tribulations on what living in New Zealand looks like.
In this week’s show, we talk to a fifth-generation New Zealander. A real kiwi bloke.
Gordy shares what being a kiwi in New Zealand looks like. He gives us a few valuable pointers as to what he thinks new immigrants need to follow in order to make it in New Zealand – to feel right at home.
Gordy also explains the meaning behind the acronyms (used by many kiwis), G.O.Y.A. And F.O.R.D
This show is a lot of fun and if you are considering moving to New Zealand or if you are already living in New Zealand and are finding it hard to settle, you will love what this show offers.
New Zealand Kiwi
Just to be clear. We are not talking about New Zealand’s national bird, the kiwi.
We are also not referring to the green fury thing called the kiwi fruit.
When we say New Zealand kiwi we mean the common self-reference used by New Zealanders. The term kiwi (which is not considered offensive) is viewed as a symbol of pride and endearment for the people of New Zealand.
It can be confusing, I know. The best advice I can give you is to brush up on some New Zealand slang before you arrive in New Zealand – that way, you won’t feel like a numnut!
Watch The Video Podcast Interview With Gordy Now!
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