Be the help you needed.

That’s always been my motto. My blueprint. My words-in-guiding-armour that help me forward whenever I feel stuck. Especiaslly in these terrifying times of deep grief when I hesitate to share my sadness and struggles for fear of losing subscribers or upsetting those here for the laughs.


What I have today has to be shared.

It has to be.

Last week I experienced panic and hope in a way that I never expected. Or knew how to cope with. But I did cope…and by talking about these things I felt empowered and obliged to share. 

I wish I’d known about the physiological side of grief. I wish someone had warned me what it does to your brain. Your mood, your thoughts.

I hope by sharing my experiences, I can be the help for you.  

Thank you for listening and watching. We love you.


Liz and Brian xx


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husband and wife podcast talking about tackling grief


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Liz’s 5-Day Letters

These five letters are from my personal journals.

I wrote these five letters in the days and weeks after my Mum’s passing. During the darkest and hardest of times. When I needed hope instead of gloom. Light in place of dark. Laughter instead of snot. When I needed my mum.

I would love to share these letters with you in the hope they bring you the comfort, love and inspiration that they brought me.
It is my honour to share them with you.

Sign up for Liz’s Five Letters here.


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