Sonny, our son, is now 22. (I still can’t quite get my head around that one).
It has been two years since Sonny last joined me for a chat on the podcast (the podcast that he and I started together), and A LOT has changed in his life since then.
Sit back, listen and enjoy as Sonny and Liz talk about breakups, the damage of social media, making money online and how it feels to be the main character in your mother’s book…
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Links Mentioned in the Podcast
Liz’s latest book, THE TRAVEL BOG DIARIES
Earlier podcasts with Sonny:
How to deal with rejection (when all you want to do is bawl your eyes out)
Sonny’s TikTok (Sonny Deacle Minecraft – please go and follow him!!)
Thank you for being here. Your support means the world to us!
Please share this podcast with a friend, and if you could find it in your heart to leave us a review, we’ll wet our pants with gratitude. Not a nice thought, I know, but completely true.
You can email Liz at [email protected] Drop her a line and say hi. She’d love to hear from you.
More Brilliant Podcast Episodes From It’s a Drama:
How’s Life Alone? Behind the Scenes With Tessa
Our daughter Tessa. Behind The Scenes.
The Harsh Realities of Returning Home
Tossing and Turning in Thailand
She’s Gone. Was it a SECRET or a LIE?
Feeling Emotional. The Next Step.
Italian Men, Pigs, And Pigeons
Drenched, Bothered And Bewildered
Travel The World For FREE. All About Housesitting
How We Afford To Travel the World
Greece?? For a Month?? How Much Does THAT Cost??