What’s happening? Why, when I was feeling fine, ‘doing ok,’ and ‘coping’, do I suddenly feel like I’ve been hit by a sledgehammer and fallen down a well of darkness?

It’s been almost five months since my mum passed. 

This is a behind-the-scenes podcast. One of those we never expected to record. But record we did.

I’ve never had a public panic attack before. I didn’t have a clue what was happening. But I do now, and we wanted to share this podcast episode with you in the hope that it might help you in some small, comforting way. 

If you are experiencing anxiety and panic attacks, please seek help. New Zealand offers a FREE anxiety helpline that you can call 24 hrs a day.

In the UK, there is a service called Shout, where you can text and chat for free about your mental health. 

In the US, there is the National Mental Health Hotline. Again, it is free and confidential.

Reach out. This is not the time to be alone.


Thank you for being with us; you are loved, you are needed, and our hearts always beat with yours.

Your friends,

Liz and Brian x




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Husband and wife podcast, It's a Drama, discussing a public panic attack


Links mentioned in the show:


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Get Liz’s book, THE TRAVEL BOG DIARIES📕 (now available on AUDIO) A hilarious memoir of how Liz and her family travelled the world for a year (with very little money and far too many hormones!)

❤️ Like what you heard? Please rate and review the It’s a Drama Podcast here, or if you are on Spotify, please review us over there. Your short review helps us massively and encourages us to continue!

🇳🇿 Remember! If you are thinking of MOVING TO NEW ZEALAND and want to know more about the country, SIGN UP below for our FREE 5-DAY VIDEO GUIDE To Life in New Zealand. This will also lead you to more details of the NZAhead Community that Liz and Brian talk about 🇳🇿 

Thank you for listening; you are fabulous, and we love you.

Liz and Brian x


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More Brilliant Podcast Episodes From It’s a Drama:


It’s Time to say goodbye to our beloved dog.



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