How to Work From Home And Get Stuff Done

How to Work From Home And Get Stuff Done

It seems as though most of the world is working from home right now, so in this post and podcast, we wanted to share some tips on how to be more productive.

How to get stuff done.

So that you don’t sit in your pyjamas all day, stroking the cat and staring at the countdown timer on the tumble drier.


Read The Post & Then Listen To Our Podcast Episode: How to Work From Home and get stuff done.



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Things To Be Grateful For (Not Including The Usual Airy Fairy Fluff)

Things To Be Grateful For (Not Including The Usual Airy Fairy Fluff)

Are you are feeling a little blue or under the weather? Do you wake up in the morning and feel as though you know there are more things to be grateful for but you can’t quite put your finger on what they are?

It goes without saying that you are grateful for your family, the air, the food on your plate— all the usual stuff; but that’s not what this list of things is about.

This post is about you (and I) discovering the things that we can be grateful for; the things that aren’t always obvious.

The nitty-gritty.


Taking A Break From Social Media. Because You’re The Boss NOT The Puppet.

Taking A Break From Social Media. Because You’re The Boss NOT The Puppet.

Can you remember what you did with your time before the internet gave birth to social media? 

My husband refers to facebook as waste book.

It wasn’t until a few months ago, after suspecting that my sleepless nights, anxiety and mood swings were being made worse by the headache of ‘keeping up’ and that taking a break from social media was what I needed to do, did I realise that he was right.

Damn it. I hate it when that happens.



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