Are you are feeling a little blue or under the weather? Do you wake up in the morning and feel as though you know there are more things to be grateful for but you can’t quite put your finger on what they are?

It goes without saying that you are grateful for your family, the air, the food on your plate— all the usual stuff; but that’s not what this list of things is about.

This post is about you (and I) discovering the things that we can be grateful for; the things that aren’t always obvious.

The nitty-gritty.

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Balloons over turkey


My teenage son (eighteen-year-old) and I have just released our latest podcast episode where we talk about the things that we have been grateful for in the past year.

If you can multitask (and let’s face it, if you are a woman then you are the queen of such skills)  then why not listen while you read? There may be a few things you might have not have realized are worth being grateful for!



18 Things To Be Grateful For (not including the usual fluff)



1. The Choice of Reaction


Everyone has the choice of how they react to situations.

While you may not be able to control the things that happen to you, you can manage your reaction and that power that we all possess is worth being grateful for.


2.  Tea


Tea is soothing and cheap. The ancient Japanese doctors administered tea as medicine (hence the saying a dose of tea). There is nothing better than to relax you in stressful times than tea.


Various teas


3. Public Libraries


Warm, quiet building places filled with thousands of books that can both lift your spirits and inspire you. Best of all, public libraries are free.

No matter which city you’re in in the world, there is most likely a public library.

Take the time to explore the isles and choose to spend ten minutes reading about a subject you know nothing about.



man in a libary


4. Sanitation


Toilets that flush.  While we might not all have the luxury of having super-duper Japanese toilets  being able to flush a toilet is something to be grateful for. 


5. Being Cool With Odd Socks


I don’t know about you, but there is no such thing as matching socks in my washing pile, so to be able to wear odd socks and not get stressed about it, yes. I am grateful – try it, it is very liberating.


6. The Wind


The wind that dries the washing on the line for FREE!

The wind that spreads seeds, the wind that gives us FREE energy 

The wind gets a lot of flack but next time your umbrella gets blown inside out, rather than rant and rave remember that it is hugely beneficial and be grateful.


washing drying on the line in Italy



7. Natural Remedies That Work


This year, after years of trying,  I finally discovered a natural deodorant that actually works (without me having to put lots of nasty chemicals under my armpits) and, even better, I discovered a smoothie recipe that not only is healthy and cheap but that gets rid of fine lines and wrinkles! Yay!



8. Taking a Break From Social Media


As the parent of teenagers I have lost count of the number of times I have said: “get off that screen – now!” (what can I say? I am a very gentle mother…)

But what about us?

Having the strength to put yourself first and take a break from social media  – even for a few days feels incredible— everyone should do it once every month.



Taking a photo of food with a phone



9. Being Able To Read


The first thing to read evryone should read in the morning are some inspirational self-love quotes

So that you remember how special you are.

If you can read, then, you can learn, if you can learn you can make money online and become location independent.

If you are like me, you probably won’t be able to remember which beautiful person taught you to read –  but whoever it was, be grateful.



woman reading a book on the bed



10. Couchsurfing


There is no excuse for not being able to travel cheaply.

Couchsurfing hosts who open their homes to you (for free)  around the world and let you experience a different country from the safety of their home.



11. People who smile


I love people who smile. It’s contagious.

Sometimes I take the time to experiment with this and I make sure that I smile at everyone I meet (to see if they smile back!)  – nine times out of ten they always do (the other small percentage look at me like I’m a raving lunatic and walk quickly away).



12. Making Mistakes (It’s ok! – Really!)


Making mistakes and being able to start again. Mistakes are great.

Mistakes mean that you are making progress.

The next time something goes wrong be grateful – it means that you just learned something very valuable.



13. Choice of Education


Living in a country where homeschooling your kids is an option makes me feel grateful.

We homeschooled both of or kids for ten years and, although it was tough trying to juggle the finances, it was 100% worth it.



14. Rejection


Realising that rejection isn’t all bad.

Although it is a blow at first, more often than not, things turn out better as a result of the rejection – be it friends, a job or a relationship.

I am always grateful to have experienced rejection many times and know that it (usually) turns out to be in my best interest.



15. The Ability To Make Money


There has never been a better time for regular people like you and me to start something new and earn decent money.

With the internet crammed with companies such as fiverr who will design logos, write articles and even help you with cheap website design, there is no reason for you not to start that side business that you always dreamed of. 



16. Egg Donors


Women who donate their eggs to help other couples dream of having a child come true. If you have done this, you are amazing; honestly, you are.



17. Saying Sorry


Being big and brave enough to say sorry. It’s not easy, but boy is it impressive and can change what happens next. The Japanese culture makes a point of taking apologies very seriously.


Woman holding a single flower out as a way of apologising



18. Being Unique And Enough


Knowing that you are unique and enough becomes easier if you practice a few simple everyday self-love exercises

By taking ten minutes each day to invest in your self-care you will discover that you are a very special and unique human being.

No matter how hard someone may try, they will never be you. You can only be you, and you are enough. For that, you must be grateful.


A red poppy in a field of yellow poppies


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Now listen to our podcast on things to grateful for!


If you enjoyed this post why not listen to our podcast episode on being grateful?

You will find it interesting to hear how two different generations are not that different when it comes to feeling grateful!

And remember, if you know someone who could do with a few pointers on things to grateful for then please share this post!


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