If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times: How do you afford to travel the world? Are you rich? How do you afford to keep taking so much time off to travel?
Why haven’t you got a proper job?
I cannot wait to share this episode with you!
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that we would be a couple who could say, ‘We have location-independent jobs and get paid while travelling the world’.
Yet it seems that’s exactly what we’re doing.
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How We Afford To Travel The World

Working while travelling…working while housesitting in France. See! It’s not all as glamorous as it looks!
It took five years to get to this point.
From quitting our job, selling our business and renting our house out for a year to take our kids around the world to now.
And now here we are. Doing a road trip around Europe for six months in a classic car.
In this episode, Brian and I share the journey of how we did it.
We go into detail about how we travel for free by housesitting and everything this incredible adventure has given us (so far!).
Becoming Location Independent
Being location-independent is a term you usually hear thrown around by young hip travellers who know how to do things like providing cheap website design to companies in Silicon Valley.
Location Independence is not what you tend to hear a married couple in their fifties bragging about.
Yet here we are.
Me and Bri. Living the dream…

Brian ‘working’ on the ferry from Italy to Greece
In This Week’s Podcast, Brian and I Discuss:
Believe it or not, there are lots of people who travel and work at the same time, and they aren’t all doing the same thing as we are.
There are all sorts of ways that people how to afford to travel, but in this episode, Brian and I are going to share our way with you.
The things that worked for us.
Sit back and get ready to hear all about:
1: How, in 2017, we sat by our tent on a campsite in New Zealand and read a book that changed our life.
2: Brian seeking his business (our only source of income). How much he made and how we spent the money.
3: Traveling the world with our kids for a year. How much it cost and what it was like.
4: Liz starting a travel blog (that she dreamed would one day help pay the mortgage).
5: Starting multiple businesses, including drop-shipping businesses.
6. Working will travelling. The realities.
7: How much money we earn on Youtube
8: What we feel our future holds.
8: Our advice to anyone else wanting to do the same as we are doing and become location-independent.
We LOVE Housesitting. Want to Try it, too?
If you have been following this podcast for a while, then you will know that we have just returned for six months in Europe and Asia.
While we were there, we did a lot of housesitting. We are constantly asked how we did this and if we can share the website that we use and love.
So here it is (for a more in-depth look into Trusted Housesitters, you can read our TrustedHousesitters review.)
The Cost of Using TrustedHousesitters
The initial ‘looking part’ of TrustedHousesitters is free.
You can oggle all of the beautiful houses around the World that are waiting for YOU to look after them. Take a sneak peek here! (As I say, looking is completely free, so gander to your heart’s content).
Then, if you are serious about using Housesitting as a tool to travel the world for free (as we do), you can use my exclusive discount code to save yourself 25% by Clicking here.
Still not sure about paying for a Housesitting membership?
Remember that the cost of a yearly membership (approx $80 using the discount code above) will be paid back (and more) on the first housesitting night. It really is that simple!
🟩 Looking for The BEST Travel Insurance?
There is only one company that we use (and only ever use when we travel), and that is World Nomads. Over the years, we’ve made three claims (sorry, guys), and each time the service has been superb.
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My most thought-provoking writing is shared in my weekly newsletter with my circle of friends. I would love to include you in that group. Sign up below.
Sign up HERE, and I will send you my free weekly newsletter. It is filled with nothing but goodness and thought-provoking stuff.
You will love it. But be warned. Sometimes, I cry and drink wine while I’m writing. If that sounds like your sort of thing, sign up here, and we will be lifelong friends.
Links in This Week’s It’s a Drama Podcast episode:
(Some of these links are affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you use their services).
The 4-Hour Work Week (By Tim Ferris)
Trusted Housesitters (The company we use for housesitting worldwide. Read the Full TrustedHousesitters Review here).
If you are moving to New Zealand and are in search of the BEST New Zealand content in the world then check out our brand NEW Podcast – NZ AHEAD
Can’t Wait To Travel Again? Here’s Some Inspiring Content For You!
World Travel. What Nobody Ever Warns You About
Travelling With kids. How to Stay Sane (ish) Until Wine O’Clock
How to Travel The World For Free. Or at Least Very, Very Cheap.
Italy Travel (Like You’ve Never Seen Before. In Your Life.)
Want More Behind The Scenes Podcast Episodes Like This?
(Where we share the things that are happening in our lives right now).
Episode #1: Meeting Our Teenage Daughter. Life at 17.
Episode #2: Our Son at 20. Homeschooled. No College. Three Jobs.
Episode #3: We Met Online. The Māori Subscribers Who Changed Our Lives.
Episode #4: The REAL Reason We Left the UK.
Episode #5: When Your Daughter Quits School. Now What? With Tessa
Episode #6. Dealing With The Mistakes You Make Online
Episode #7. We’re Leaving New Zealand.
Episode #8: Why I’m Terrified to Travel.
You are really inspiring people! So, natural and down to earth. I feel as if you are my next door neighbours. However, unlike my next door neighbours who are usually depressed and can hardly be beared 🙂 you are much more pleasant to listen
Thank you so much, Eugenia, this comment made me feel very happy! (And I’ll admit…made me giggle as we’ve just made a video podcast on YTube to be released tomorrow all about neighbours…Hehe!😆) Thank you for your lovely support and kind words! Liz x