If you are thinking about making a new life in New Zealand and you have a family (with little kids) then I’m going to take a wild guess and say that you are a teeny bit, massively a lot, downright scared.

Or at the very least apprehensive.

You lay awake in bed, probably at 3 am, worrying about the food in New Zealand, whether you will be able to fit in, and what your future life in New Zealand will look like once you move to the other side of the world with your family.

Ask yourself if you really will be living the dream in New Zealand or whether you’re making a big mistake and will be attacked by tigers and lions and kiwis who live in down under land.

What’s life in New Zealand like with little kids?

Listen to our latest podcast episode while you read this post and we’ll tell you.

Do You LOVE New Zealand & dream of moving here one day? Sign up below and I will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5 Part Video Series!


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A woman sitting outside her motorhome in New Zealand


Life in New Zealand 


Every week, since having started this New Zealand podcast I practically beg for you, the listener, to contact me.

To share with me any worries, concerns or topic ideas that you’d like Brian and I to talk about, or help you with concerning moving to New Zealand.

And then, last week I received an email. Tah dah!

A real-life family who had questions (and not only that, were brave enough to voice them!)

Not a make-believe family that I have had to fabricate in order to make me sound like an important and well-respected family travel podcast person.


This here email was from a real-life family who plan on living in New Zealand sometime soon, and they had a few concerns that they hoped Brian and I could help them with.

And so, without further ado, here are the answers to the three questions as asked by Chris and Belle about what life in New Zealand is like with little kids.


*The names have not been changed to protect the innocent. I need people to know that I am not a big fat liar and that people really do email me, so the names stay. Thanks, guys.


Husband and wife making a podcast in new Zealand



After you’ve read the post listen to our podcast episode on Life in New Zealand with kids. 3 Major differences




Living in New Zealand With Kids


Because I want you to listen to the podcast as well as read this post, I will give a brief outline as to what our answers were to Chris and Belle’s questions. The real meat is in the podcast.

Think of this as a lure.

A way to get you to listen to my New Zealand podcast so I can keep you forever and ever and never let you go.


Q1: Are kids welcomed in supermarkets in New Zealand?


Ohhh. This question struck a chord…

I am from England, from the beautiful, lovely, expensive and slightly snobby city of Bath.

My reasons for emigrating from the UK are varied, but let’s say me and snobs don’t mix well.

We moved to New Zealand eleven years ago when my kids were 5 and 8. Raising kids in New Zealand was heaven on earth, but there was one thing that stuck out to me above all else about living in New Zealand with a family.

How welcoming and friendly New Zealand people (in particular, the supermarket staff)  were to my children.

Far nicer than I ever was.



Child-friendly Supermarkets in New Zealand 


Supermarkets in New Zealand (or grocery stores if you are moving to New Zealand from the US) are super child friendly. So much so that New World (one of the major supermarkets in New Zealand) offers free bread buns to children, to eat while their parents are shopping.

Countdown (another major supermarket) offers the children of New Zealand free fruit to snack on while their parents are shopping.

Fab isn’t it?

Good for you, New Zealand. Once again, you get it right.

Surely it doesn’t take a genius to realise that if the kids are happy, then the parents are happy and when everyone is happy in the supermarket, what will happen? They will spend more money!

People are always harping on about how the cost to live in New Zealand is so much higher than the rest of the world, but let me tell you this… that free bread bun at snack time will save you a fortune on expensive snacks that you might otherwise have to buy.

Parents out there, you know what I’m talking about.


mother and two children standing in front of a lake in New Zealand



Q2: Is it normal (and acceptable) to take kids out to lunch in New Zealand?


Yes, to both parts of this question.

Taking your kids out to lunch in New Zealand is common practice and children are welcomed with open arms in restaurants and cafes.

Though why you’d want to, I don’t quite know.

Get them a free bun and a banana when you go shopping and save yourself a fortune, I say.

Just kidding. 

Yes. Eating out with kids in New Zealand is very, very acceptable and extremely easy to do. New Zealand living focuses on lifestyle and family. 


Father and daughter at a cafe in New Zealand



Q3: Are stay at home parents frowned upon in New Zealand?


No, no, and absolutely no.

I’ll be frank with you here, and I might come under attack from a hard out kiwi for saying this, but I don’t think anything you choose to do would be frowned upon in New Zealand.

Maybe perhaps saying out loud that you can’t stand rugby or dairy farming. Id’ keep that one to yourself if you value your life, but joking aside, the kiwi attitude is very much sweet.

(If you don’t understand the term ‘sweet’, then perhaps brush up on your New Zealand slang before arriving).

How you choose to live your life in New Zealand is your business. From my experience (a woman who stayed at home homeschooling her kids for twelve years), stay at home parents in New Zealand are not only accepted, but they’re very well respected. (And slightly envied).


Family in a hot pool in new Zealand


Do You LOVE New Zealand & dream of moving here one day? Sign up below and I will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5 Part Video Series!


Living in New Zealand sign up form for a free guide



Other things/links we talked about in this week’s life in New Zealand podcast episode:


🤔 The biggest shock of all about kids and supermarkets in New Zealand (not sure if it’s legal but they do it!)

🤔 The major differences between a British supermarket excursion with kids and one in New Zealand

🤔 Taking kids to ‘working’ cafe’s in New Zealand (as in where people go to work online)

🤔 Brian’s apparent comedy skills

🤔 How stay at home parents are perceived in New Zealand


 Listen to the podcast: Living in New Zealand with kids. 3 things you need to know







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✔︎ We’d love to know what you think about this week’s show and if there is anything you would like to know further so that we can include it in our next podcast.

✔︎ Thank you for your support and don’t forget— If you enjoy our podcasts then you can subscribe to us on iTunes or Spotify (that way you will never miss an episode!)

✔︎ If you know of anyone who is thinking of living in New Zealand with kids, then please, share this podcast with them!

Liz x



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