Opportunity in New Zealand. Is there any?
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been asked this question. I have to say it is usually from people who are moving to New Zealand from the USA, people who say, ‘we’d love to move to New Zealand but we’ve heard that there aren’t many opportunities there.’
Time for us to make a podcast episode and share all of the opportunities that we (my family of four) have had since moving to New Zealand twelve years ago.
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Does Opportunity Exist in New Zealand?
You can listen to the podcast or watch the video to hear the 5 HUGE opportunities that New Zealand has given us as a family, but before you do that, let me give you a few tips regarding opportunities in New Zealand. That way, if you are planning on living in New Zealand you will be prepared!
There are some ludicrous misconceptions about New Zealand, one of those being that the country has limited opportunities. Not true.
There is plenty of opportunity in New Zealand and if you are good at what you do, and are willing to go that extra mile, you will find it.
Both the North Island and South Island have plenty of opportunities, just remember that becoming part of a local community is crucial to your success.
Think about what you can offer New Zealand. How you can help. New Zealand people are more impressed by who you are as a person rather than what size degree you have and what car you drive.
Watch Our Opportunity in New Zealand Video Podcast here!
Would You Like To Join Our New Zealand Community?
Are You Considering Moving To New Zealand?
Do you wonder what life in New Zealand is (really) like?
Do You LOVE New Zealand & dream of moving here one day? Sign up below and I will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5 Part Video Series!
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Americans in New Zealand. Will They Ever Feel at Home?