Luckily, one of the best things about New Zealand is the fact that the people have a bloody good sense of humour.
Which is just as well.
Because some of these common misconceptions about what life is like in New Zealand are quite frankly hilarious.
Read The Post and then Listen To Our Podcast Episode: 7 Ludicrous Misconceptions About New Zealand
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Life in New Zealand
I am not a hypocrite so I will tell you this straight up. Before we go any further.
Prior to us moving to New Zealand eleven years ago, my (zero) knowledge of the country led me to believe that I would find locals living in mud huts selling coconut juice to the passers-by in exchange for a smile.
I even thought that there would be little sheep in neck-scarves working at the airport.
Luckily, I kept that last expectation to myself.
What is life like in New Zealand?
The reality couldn’t be further from the truth.
Which is a pity really. I think it would be quite nice to have a woolly ram checking your luggage for dirty boots.
What is life like in New Zealand? I have talked about this endlessly. I even made a FREE 5-day video series for you to show you what you can expect from your life in New Zealand.
If you are moving to New Zealand from the US then you need to read this post and listen to this podcast.
Because I hate to break it to you, but a lot of these common misconceptions came via my American friends. Oops.
Do You LOVE New Zealand & dream of moving here one day? Sign up below and I will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5 Part Video Series!
7 (Ridiculous) Misconceptions About New Zealand
1: 🗣 New Zealander’s Don’t Speak English
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. And I kind of get it.
The New Zealand slang is not just confusing but quite frankly, at times, it can come across as just plain bonkers.
I mean, what country says ‘Yeah Nah’ when you ask them a question? Huh?
But fear not. English is spoken throughout New Zealand.
And rest assured, once you get become accustomed to the accent and get your head around the fact that kiwis will greet you by saying ‘howzit?’ and then walk away without waiting for an answer, you’ll be sweet.
English is one of the three official languages in New Zealand (the others are Te Reo Māori and New Zealand sign language).
2: 🦘 🌉 New Zealand is Connected To Australia (by a bridge actually).
Er no. Not quite.
Australia is a little over 2,500 miles away from New Zealand so that bridge had better be a bloody long one…
Just to be clear. Australia is not connected to New Zealand. They are completely separate countries.
And for god’s sake don’t ever make the same mistake as I did and claim you can’t tell the difference between a kiwi accent and an Ozzie one.
Big mistake.
One says Luz and the other says leeez.
Not actually that helpful when your name is Liz.
3: 🌞 It’s Always Sunny in New Zealand
One of the wonderful things about living in New Zealand is that it is a country with seasons.
Four of them in fact.
While it is true that there are hotter and drier parts of the country depending on where you go, New Zealand has four seasons and all of them hold their own secret charm.
If you are trying to weigh up when is the best time to visit New Zealand then I’d say it depends on what floats your boat.
The summer is hot and gorgeous – if you are coming in December just remember that Christmas in New Zealand is hot (and I won’t lie, that’s a bit weird).
The spring is warm and beautiful, the winter is sunny and cold and you can ski and the autumn is colourful and calm.
Just remember, this is not Hawaii, nor is it Sri Lanka or Australia. This is New Zealand. And It rains a lot.
Which is why the country is so beautifully green.
4: 🏠 New Zealand People Dwell in Bungalows Along The Coast
I love this one!
Some New Zealander’s have holiday homes along the coast.
These homes are called ‘Baches’.
Don’t ask me what the name means, I have no idea. But these baches are wooden structures, usually made up of two or three rooms, with a basic kitchen. They are an iconic part of New Zealand’s culture and history.
They are now hugely desirable in New Zealand due to their beachside location.
But no, New Zealanders live in houses or apartments like everyone else in the world.
Not a mud hut in sight.
5: 🍗 New Zealander’s Eat The Kiwi Bird (& it tastes like chicken)
I have something to confess.
In all the years that I have been living in New Zealand, I have only ever seen a kiwi bird once.
And that was in a sanctuary while we were on holiday exploring some free hot pools in Rotorua.
The Kiwi is a national icon, equally cherished by all cultures in New Zealand and the last place you will ever see a kiwi bird is on a New Zealanders plate.
Do You LOVE New Zealand & dream of moving here one day? Sign up below and I will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5 Part Video Series!
6: 👹 There Are Cannibal Natives Living In Them There New Zealand Hills
Another common misconception that you can ignore.
No. There aren’t any cannibals in New Zealand and there certainly aren’t any natives running around in grass skirts thumping their chest and howling to the moon.
Actually, I’ve just described my teenage son when he runs out of data.
New Zealand is made up of two main cultures. European New Zealanders count for the majority of the population and the Māori population make up approx 17%.
The Māori language (also known as Te Reo which means “the language”) is taught throughout New Zealand schools.
7: 🥓 The New Zealand Food is Boring
Last week I dedicated an entire podcast episode to New Zealand food and discussed whether or not it was delicious or dull.
The short answer is that New Zealand food is delicious.
Like everything else in this far away country, it is underestimated and humble.
New Zealand food is tasty and real. It is not piled high onto your plate, nor is it sprinkled with masses of sugar or injected with anything yucky.
But it does include a lot of eggs.
Or if we’re going to be really kiwi – iggs. The new Zealander’s love their iggs.
Just forwarning you.
Other things/links we talked about in this week’s working from home podcast episode:
🤔 What our impression was of New Zealand before we moved here eleven years ago. You can listen to the podcast episode what our first year in New Zealand was like and what shocked us.
🤔 The sunniest region of New Zealand and how it differs to where we live in Taranaki
🤔 The FREE video series that we offer to everyone who loves New Zealand and want to know what real life is like down under.
🤔 Lots more common (and totally ridiculous) misconceptions about New Zealand
Listen to the podcast: 7 Ridiculous Misconceptions About New Zealand
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