We thought the sad news was over. Had floated away like water under a bridge. Babble, babble, babble. Brook, brook, brook. No more crying into a microphone. No more looking worried. No more sorrowful recalls.
But no. I’m sorry to say that this week’s episode is a sad one. The floodgates are open once more.
This episode was so very hard to record. But record it, we did. Because it is important for us to be honest with you. Transparent. Real. You grant us the space to be who we are, to share everything that life throws at us. Both good and bad. You have given us your trust.
And for that, we love you.
So, as hard as it was to make this episode, it felt right to do so. We hope you feel the same.
Thank you, my friend. Thank you for allowing us, once again, to lean on you this week. We love and cherish you.
Liz and Brian x
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