Liz and Brian and getting ready to go to a wedding in Fiji.

Of course, there are concerns. Just a few. What with those dancing men and crab-racing women? It’s all too much to think about…So Liz, thinks about her old pal, Mo. You know, Mo? The salt-of-the-earth mother-in-law. Mo, with no knickers…THAT Mo.

Join us as we plan a VERY special (and extra sociable) occasion! 

Liz and Bri x



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Husband and wife podcast, It's a Drama, discussing a wedding in Fiji


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Get Liz’s book, THE TRAVEL BOG DIARIES📕 (now available on AUDIO), A hilarious memoir of how Liz and her family travelled the world for a year (with very little money and far too many hormones!)

 The BEST meditation app ever: Headspace. We love it and use it. Try it for free and see what we mean!

❤️ Like what you heard? Please rate and review the It’s a Drama Podcast here, or if you are on Spotify, please review us over there. Your short review helps us massively and encourages us to continue!

🇳🇿 Remember! If you are thinking of MOVING TO NEW ZEALAND and want to know more about the country, SIGN UP below for our FREE 5-DAY VIDEO GUIDE To Life in New Zealand. This will also lead you to more details of the NZAhead Community that Liz and Brian talk about 🇳🇿 

Thank you for listening; you are fabulous, and we love you.

Liz and Brian x


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It’s Here!! Finally. Liz’s new book, The Travel Bog Diaries, is born!

It’s Time to say goodbye to our beloved dog.



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