The Pros and Cons of Housesitting (Nope. It’s not all a bed of roses)

The Pros and Cons of Housesitting (Nope. It’s not all a bed of roses)

Why write a post on the pros and cons of housesitting?

Because I wanted to make it crystal clear that although housesitting is an incredible way to see the world for free (it is most certainly how WE afford to travel the world), it isn’t always a walk in the park.

Far from it.

Housesitting is more like one of those jogs you do when you realise your jeans no longer fit.

The jog that gets you all sweaty and puffy but feels amazing afterwards. 


Housesitting. How to Travel Italy for FREE.

Housesitting. How to Travel Italy for FREE.

Housesitting. In Italy. Wow.

Regular followers of this blog and our podcast will know we are no strangers to housesitting.

We spent three months housesitting around Europe when we travelled the world with the kids for a year. And in the last five years (as a couple), we have clocked up twenty-seven housesits worldwide. 

It’s official.

We are now professional housesitters. 



Housesitting in Europe. How To Save $$$’s When Travelling

Housesitting in Europe. How To Save $$$’s When Travelling

Travelling in Europe is not cheap. I know. A few years ago, we spent three months backpacking around the continent with our two teenage kids as part of our year-long escaping from normal life world adventure.

Arriving in Europe after being in Asia was a bit of a shocker, especially on the old budget.

That’s why I’m so glad we discovered TrustedHousesiiters and were able to travel for free by housesitting.

Not only did house and pet sitting save us $$$’s, but the kids got to relax and slow down (and, more importantly,) we got to drink delicious wine from the terraces of beautiful properties.

Win, win.


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