It’s all over the news. The team of five million are unbeatable. You don’t have to look far to find someone singing the praises of the New Zealanders. But are the New Zealand people as kind as the world is led to believe? And if they are so friendly what makes them so?
Or is all this kindness stuff a big fat cover-up to keep the MIQ staff in a job?
Let’s go for a walk and find out.
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Are New Zealand People Kind?
In this episode, we dive into what New Zealand people are really like. Whether the kindness that the nation is famous for actually exists.
Because all of my kiwi friends are too shy to come onto the podcast and be grilled, I did the next best thing. I obtained the answers to my question: Why are New Zealand people friendly and kind? And then I brought the findings back to you.
Taking a Walk in New Zealand
The day that we recorded this podcast, New Zealand was still in Level 4 lockdown. As we are permitted to exercise in our local area, Brian and I thought it would be nice to share this walk with you. Give you a bit of exercise.
If you are listening to this podcast through your headphones, that’s why you can hear lots of crunchy gravel sounds.
We also shot some lovely New Zealand scenery and overlaid it onto the video so if you are keen to see the walk that we are taking you on, watch the video version below!
Watch The Video: Are New Zealand People Kind?
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We would love it if, after watching or listening to this podcast you took the time to let us know your thought? If you liked it, great! Tell us and we will do more of this style! (And please don’t forget to share with any friends who would love this show!) If you didn’t like it then let us know and we’ll cry.
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