You donā€™t have to look far to find help when planning a trip to Ireland.

Every Tom, Dick, and Patrick will give you their two cents worth on when, where, and what to do in Ireland.

But what about the things you arenā€™t supposed to do in Ireland?

The no ā€“ noā€™s.

The common mistakes that people (including me) make when planning a trip to Ireland?

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If you are planning a trip to Ireland, either this summer, or in the future, then you are on the right page.

This backward Ireland tips guide will help stop you from making some of the mistakes that we have made on our past trips to Ireland and to help ease you into the Irish culture nice and gently!


Planning a Trip To Ireland. 20 Common Mistakes To Avoid


Ireland countryside. Planning a trip to Ireland

Are you ready to learn about the things NOT to do when planning a trip to Ireland?


Ireland is right up there on my list of unique and underrated destinations in the world and it isnā€™t until you go for yourself you will understand why.

We have visited Ireland both with our kids and with friends numerous times.

It is true what people say about Ireland; it is the balm of the soul. I love the place, and if this is your first trip to Ireland, I know you will love it too.

 I could talk for hours about this beautiful country and its people, and I can also give you lots of tips for travel in Ireland that will tell you everything there is to know about the country.

But this time, Iā€™m not here to go easy on you. Sorry.

Itā€™s time to get real about Ireland and what its people expect from you. 

Nobody likes to look like a fec*kin eejit, so remember this talk when you begin planning your trip to Ireland, and you will travel around Ireland feeling secretly smug and confident.

And donā€™t forget to check out our awesome international checklist for things to do and our post on what to pack for Ireland before you take your big trip!



#1 Not Trying The Fish ā€˜nā€™ Chips


Fried fish from Ireland. Planning a trip to Ireland

The fish and chips have to be tasted to be believed in Ireland. Lots of vinegar and lemon is a must.


chipped potatoes in Newspaper

I wasnā€™t going to include this photo but I think you need reminding NOT to miss trying the Irish fish and chips!

Until I visited Ireland with my kids I didnā€™t know just how delicious the fish and chips were.


Donā€™t come to Ireland and expect to be on a diet. No way. The food is far too good. Order the fish and chips with tartar sauce and eat them with your fingers. Delicious.



#2 Moaning About The Weather in Ireland


umbrella in the streets of Dublin. Planning a trip to Ireland

Donā€™t bother moaning about the weather just come prepared for it!


The weather. Itā€™s changeable. If you want lots of warm sunshine, then I suggest you visit California.

Ireland is known to have four seasons in one day, so be prepared for it!

You can read my post on what to pack for Ireland, or if you need some quick tips, then I suggest you do as we did and travel with a stylish and lightweight waterproof poncho. They are perfect for when you get caught out unawares.

Do not moan about the weather. Leave that to the English (we do it better than anyone). Whinging doesnā€™t change the fact that itā€™s pouring down. 

Just make sure you add a poncho and an umbrella to your vacation checklist and youā€™ll be all set.

Remember, the reason Ireland is called the Emerald Isle is because of its forty shades of green ā€“ all made possible by the lovely weather variations!


#3 Forgetting Your Bug Spray


So you came to Ireland instead of California ā€“ fabulous! Remember, though, that just because Ireland has rain and is green and lovely doesnā€™t mean that there arenā€™t lots of bugs that bite! 

We found around the cliffs of Moher to be especially buggy, so bring a repellant that works.



#4 Being Offended By Swearing


Donā€™t be offended by how much the Irish folk swear; itā€™s who they are and what they do. Itā€™s what makes them beautifully special.

When I first visited, Iā€™ll admit, I was shocked. But then again, I am an English prude and wasnā€™t familiar with many Irish terms.

Know that the word fecking isnā€™t meant as the same thing as our  ā€˜fā€ word, so try not to visibly flinch when you hear it said about ten thousand times a day.


#5 Leaving A Tip


tip jar in a restaurant in Ireland

In restaurants and bars in Ireland, it is not obligatory to tip (although youā€™ll get a friendly Irish smile if you leave 10%)


Unlike in America, it is not obligatory to tip in Ireland.

In saying that, if you have received good service, then 10% is always appreciated.

If you are dining with a party of 6 people, then the service charge will probably be included in the bill. Check before you go and put down any extra.

Know that when you buy a drink in a pub in Ireland, it is not common practice to tip the bartender, although if the same person has been pouring your drinks all night, then a friendly ā€œand one for yourselfā€ (meaning ā€˜take the price of a drink and put it into your tip jar)ā€™ will never be refused.


Would you love to travel to Ireland more often but could use some tips on how to do it for a lot less?

Then join me & Iā€™ll show you how!



#6 Ignoring The Possibility Of Housesitting in Ireland


House in Ireland. housesitting in Ireland

Do not overlook the possibility of housesitting in Ireland. it is a fabulous way to experience the country like a local


You are going to LOVE me for this tip.

We have just spent three months house-sitting around Europe with our two kids. We estimated that we saved roughly ten thousand dollars on accommodation. 

Iā€™ll say that againā€”ten grand.

On our last visit to Ireland, our family spent three weeks house-sitting in this gorgeous farmhouse outside Kilkenny, and it was truly fabulous.

My husband and I are location-independent (but certainly not rich!), and house-sitting is how we afford to travel the world.

Honestly, I canā€™t understand why more people donā€™t do this!

If you would like to know more about House sitting, then check out my full TrustedHousesitters review for everything you need to know.

It is the best.

I have enclosed a screenshot of the email alert I received this morning (and every day).

Click here to see all the vacant house sitting gigs in Ireland (donā€™t worry, browsing is free!)


Housesitting in Ireland screenshot.


Ireland housesitting advert

An example of the many housesits that are available in Ireland right now!


Click here to check out the housesits that are available in Ireland RIGHT NOW.



#7 Not Trying The Guinness



woman drinking Guinness in an Iriish pub. planning a trip to Ireland

You may not be a Guinness drinker but the health benefits far out way the irony taste! Get it down you!


There is no way that you can go to Ireland and miss out on the opportunity to savour this iron-rich brew.

Even if you are not a beer drinker.

Having doubts? What if I told you that Guinness not only has high iron content, but it helps make your bones stronger, improves your memory and helps with weight management?

There you go.

Youā€™ll be a skinny genius after a couple of pints.



#8 NOT Saving Money in Dublin


Dublin in Ireland. What not to do in Ireland


Guess what? Seeing the sights in Dublin neednā€™t cost you the earth!

If you plan on staying in Dublin, then you can get The Dublin Pass. It was the best thing we ever bought. It saved us a lot of money (not to mention that this pass kept my kids VERY happy!)

Am I an affiliate for them? You bet I am ā€“ they saved us a fortune when we stayed in Dublin.

We bought a 3-day pass, and I tell everyone I meet to do the same. Hereā€™s why.

  • FREE Entrance to over 30 attractions (we worked this out ā€“ it saved us roughly $96 per person!).


  • They send you the pass straight to your phone and then all you have to do is flash it whenever you go to an attraction (or if you prefer you can collect it in Dublin or they can send it to your home address in a proper parcel)


  • Hereā€™s why I loved it the most: When you purchase ANY Dublin Pass you get a FREE 24-hour ticket to ride the hop-on/hop-off bus around Dublin! 


My kids LOVED this as it meant we could get to know the city properly (we actually spent almost all day just riding around with our coffee and pastries ā€“ it was fabulous) You also get a free airport shuttle included in the price of the pass too!

So yes.

Although the initial outlay for the pass may seem a bit pricey you will not  (I promise you; I tried) find a better way to save money and see the things worth seeing.


#8.5 Not Saving a FORTUNE whenever you spend


Using a Wise card to spend money while travelling


While weā€™re on the subject of money, letā€™s talk about a HUGE mistake people make when they travel to Ireland (or anywhere else, for that matter).

It used to be (back in the olden days, that we travellers would buy something called travellerā€™s cheques whenever we went overseas (remember those? Please say you do).

As the years passed and the introduction of easy-to-get credit cards became more widely available, to make things easier, we would use our credit cards as a way to spend money overseas.

Big Mistake.

For those of you who were like us and did this (and are perhaps still doing this), you will know what I mean when I remind you of that pit of stomach dread when you arrive home to the previous monthā€™s credit card statement.


Inflated commission rates, extra fees, hidden costsā€¦it was a horrible way to spend money abroad.

That all ended when we discovered the WISE card. Highly recommend it if you are travelling to Ireland.


Wise card for travllers

The Wise Card is all you need whenever you travel to Ireland.



#9 Confusing The Word ā€˜Sorryā€™


This is one of my favourites and applies mainly to our American friends.

When you are talking to an Irish person and they donā€™t hear what you say or they misunderstand you, they will say ā€œsorry?ā€ as a question.

Donā€™t confuse this for meaning they have done something wrong and they are apologising. Theyā€™re not.  Itā€™s simply their way of saying, ā€œwhat did ya say?ā€


ā€œsay it again my love, I didnā€™t quite catch thatā€



Sorry. The Irish say it a lot. Itā€™s not always an apology.


#10 Not Getting The Best Travel Insurance


Iā€™m not here to tell you about insurance, but I included this tip simply because when we hired a car in Ireland, we saved ourselves hundreds of dollars because we had excellent travel insurance.

Make sure you have excellent Ireland travel insurance

We travelled the world for a year with our kids, and as you can imagine, my husband did stacks of research on which was the best insurance policy.  Take my word for it; this company cannot be beaten.

Whichever insurance you have, make sure that car hire excess is included so that you donā€™t wind up paying for expensive extra charges when in Ireland.


Who Are World Nomads Insurance?


World Nomadsā€™ mission is to support and encourage travelers to explore their boundaries.

They offer simple and flexible travel insurance and safety advice to help you travel confidently, destination guides and tips to help you plan your trip, and responsible travel insights to help you travel better

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.


#11  Calling Musicians ā€˜Buskersā€™


Iā€™m sharing this Ireland travel tip as it was a mistake I made when I was in Ireland and I was very embarrassed when I was pulled up on it. So, I thought Iā€™d share ā€“  in case you do the same thing.

I was in an Irish pub, and there were two fabulous guys playing instruments and entertaining the crowd. After they had finished, I approached them and gushed: ā€œWow! That was fabulous! I have never heard such talented buskers!ā€™

You could have heard a pin drop in that pub.


As he took a swig of his Guinness, one of the players looked at me straight in the eye and said (kindly, I might add) ā€œmadam. We are NOT buskers. We are musiciansā€

That was me told. Lesson learned.

Here is a little video we made of those very musicians playing in that pub.

You see me at the end (BEFORE I made myself look like a fool!)



#12 Failing To Shake Hands


It is common practice when you meet a local Irish person to shake hands (a more common practice amongst men, it seems). 

Offer a nice firm handshake in return (no one likes a willy limp handshake, after all) and know that you should expect to shake hands again once you depart.

It will be seen as bad manners if you stick your hands in your pocket and walk away from the conversation.



#13 Smoking


a hand holding a cigarette. planning a trip to Ireland. What to expect if you smoke

If you smoke, best bring a coat to Ireland. Youā€™ll be outside  ā€“ a lot.


If you are a smoker about to visit Ireland know that you will be standing outside on the pavement ā€“ a lot.

In 2004, Ireland became the first country in the world to ban smoking in the workplace, along with no smoking in bars, restaurants, enclosed public places, education facilities, healthcare facilities and on public transport. 

However, smoking is still permitted in prison, so if you find yourself in a spot of bother while in Ireland, rest assured that you can still have a fag in jail.


#14  Not Trying The Black Pudding


You cannot visit  Ireland without trying the Clonakilty black pudding. It. Is. Divine. 

First made in the 1880s with a recipe that has remained a secret to this day, this delicious Irish delicacy is a must-try.

And for those of you concerned about the health benefits of black pudding, know that Clonakilty black pudding does wonders for those with an iron deficiency.

So after a pint of Guinness and a black pudding breakfast, you should be able to return home feeling like Popeye! 


Irish breakfast. Ireland travel tips



# 15 Trying To See Too Much


If you only have a week or ten days in Ireland, try your hardest not to cram too much in.

We have all done it. Made an itinerary, stuck to it rigidly and then returned home feeling as though we needed another holiday to get over it.

Pick your excursions carefully and use your time wisely. Only use reputable tour companies that can offer you the maximum experience for the cost.

This gorgeous Cliffs of Moher tour includes a guided walk and an Irish pub lunch, meaning that you get to see a famous site and also experience a local part of Ireland. Click here for details on the Cliffs of Moher tour.

Remember, Ireland isnā€™t going anywhere.

Best to spend quality time in three or four locations than it is to zip around the country and say you have ā€˜doneā€™ Ireland.


The cliffs of Moher

The Cliffs Of Moher are stunning and should not be missed but pick your excursions wisely.



#16  Not Seeing Enough of Ireland


The opposite of what I am saying above. (Donā€™t forget, this is an Irish post, so Iā€™m allowed to do things differently).

Ireland is one of the most beautiful places in the world. You HAVE to make the most of your time here, so put the map down and get out there and do it!

And donā€™t use money as an excuse not to see lots of things in the capital.

Donā€™t be too scared to explore.

While it is true that the little town down the road might not be mentioned in any of the guidebooks, you might just arrive and discover the best little local pub in Ireland.

The beauty of Ireland is its sense of adventure, and if you are to really enjoy this country as it is meant to be enjoyed, then get your brave pants on and get off the beaten track.

Unless you have just a weekend in Ireland, there is so much more to see in Ireland than Dublin.

Yes, Dublin is a beautiful city, but there are far fewer touristy places to see while you are in Ireland. Personally, I think Kilkenny is far nicer than Dublin.

Get out and explore the other parts of Ireland ā€“ you wonā€™t regret it.


#16 (1/2) Not Taking Time To Read A Brilliant Travel Book


Have You Read My Hilarious New Travel Memoir?


(Blush. Sorry! Couldnā€™t resist! )


The Travel Bog Diaries Book. A book about travelling the world with your family on a shoe-string. Available in all formats!


It is here! The Travel Bog Diaries!

If you are a traveler and love to laugh (and Iā€™m guessing that if you are reading a post on travelling to Irenand then you like a good chuckle!), then you will want to read this fabulous book!

It tells how an ordinary woman (me) took her husband and two teenagers (them) and did something extraordinary (some may say bonkers) together:

The four of them left their real lives behind and travelled the world for a year on a budget of $70 a day. 

As wonderful as it was, it was FAR from Instagrammy, and lots of hilariously embarrassing mistakes happened as this family trotted around the world. The chapters from Pompeii and Venice are especially memorable!

But rather than keep these stories to herself, Liz decided to write them down.

Reveal what it REALLY looks like when you travel the world with your phone-addicted teenagers and your husband who complains that foreign food is too spicyā€¦

If you have ever dreamed of travelling the world with your family, then do yourself a favour and grab a copy of this fabulous book. You will LOVE it!





#17 Not Buying A Round In A Bar


three glasses of Irish whiskey in a pub

Donā€™t think about leaving the pub until you have bought ā€˜a roundā€™ in Ireland or you might find yourself friendless.


If you make friends in Ireland and are asked to go to the pub for a drink know about ā€˜the roundā€™ system.

The group of friends gather in the bar, and the first person will ask everyone ā€˜what are you having?ā€ (meaning, what do you want to drink?). They will then go to the bar, order and pay for everyoneā€™s drinks.

This does not mean that that person is rich and kind and is offering to cough up for everyoneā€™s drinks for the whole evening. No, they were simply the first in to buy  ā€˜ a roundā€™.

When everyone has finished their drink, the ā€™roundā€™ now moves to the next person in the group, who goes to the bar and pays for everyoneā€™s drink.

And so the round continues. Until you are all either off your face or penniless.

Either way, donā€™t leave before you have bought a round, or you might find yourself friendless for the rest of the trip.



#18 Not Hiring A Car


two sheep on the road in Ireland

Yes, the roads are narrow, but they are also idyllic and reasonably quiet. Donā€™t miss out on hiring a car when planning a trip to Ireland


I have heard so many people advise against hiring a car in Ireland because the roads are so narrow and twisty and it is dangerous.

Yes, the roads are narrow, but please donā€™t let this put you off, or you will miss out on some of the best places in Ireland to explore. 

Keep the size of your hire car to a minimum; that way, it wonā€™t feel so intimidating when you come to parallel park in narrow streets! 

We only ever use this company for car hire in Ireland. They found us the best price and were super easy to deal with. 

Click here to see how you can save money on car hire in Ireland.


Why do we always use Europcar?

Free Cancellation Up to 48 Hours Before Pickup. We all know how quickly plans can change (especially with the current travel climate). We love that we can cancel at such short notice and pay nothing.

Best Rate Guarantee. Seriously, we are skinflints, and we do our research thoroughly. You wonā€™t find a cheaper deal (the hours that my husband has scrolled through listings proves it!).

Best range of vehicles. For business travel or holiday travel, Europecar cars include economy, intermediate and full-size classes, plus people movers and minivans for those travelling with a group. For a touring holiday or something special, Europcar offers 4WDs, SUVs, and prestige/luxury cars. You get to pick whatā€™s best for you!

Customer care. Of course, my husband will never admit this but driving for the first time in Ireland was daunting! No need to worry. As soon as we turned up to collect our rental car, the staff were extremely patient and thorough. They gave us lots of tips and reassured us (or at least me!) that driving in Ireland was going to be a pleasure. And it was! 

Cost. We paid $22 a day for our little car in Ireland and drove it all over the country ā€“  it was perfect!  For that price, the kids even get to have an extra big portion of fish and chips! 

Looking for the BEST Car Hire in Ireland?  You just found it! CLICK HERE to find out more!



If you love to travel but could use a few tips on how to do it more often (for a lot less?), then join me!


For You To (please) Share To Pinterest!ā‡“






#19 Ignoring Road Manners


two women on horseback on the roads of ireland countryside. Planning a trip to Ireland

Drivers in Ireland (especially the countryside) are very courteous to horse riders. If the roads are narrow pull in and let the other person pass.


Remember these tips for driving in Ireland and you will be ok.

Drivers in Ireland are generally courteous and it is common practice (especially in rural Ireland) if another car is coming towards you (and the road is too narrow for both of you) for one of you to pull into a farm gate entrance or a layby (a passing place on the road).

The Irish will say thank you for this kind gesture by waving one finger from the steering wheel or flashing their lights.

I can testify that horse riders in the countryside of Ireland are treated with a great deal of respect and kindness.

Cars slow down almost to a stopping point when they see horse riders and drive super slowly until the horses have passed safely. Please make sure you do the same.


Related posts That you May Enjoy


What to pack for Ireland

3 Books About Travel to Take With You to Ireland!

Arrive feeling beautiful. 10 Travel essentials for the plane that you will never leave home without again

8 easy airport hacks to make the journey a tad nicer

Housesitting in Europe. How We Saved Ten Grand.



# 20 Forgetting To Drive On The Left


Iā€™m sure you know this already, but in Ireland, they drive on the left. Itā€™s easy to get confused ā€“ especially on the narrow countryside roads where there is only room for one car anyway! Stay slow, keep left, and youā€™ll be fine!


For Pinterest!


Ready To Start Planning a Trip To Ireland?


So, thatā€™s it. You are done!

21 big fat common mistakes that people usually make when planning a trip to Ireland. What did you think? Have you been to Ireland and made any of these mistakes yourself?


I would love you to comment below or leave me a message so that we can continue to prevent other people from looking like eejits in Ireland ā€“ and donā€™t forget! If you enjoyed this post, then please share it with someone else who might love it too!



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