I’m still trying to figure out if telling someone that they’ll never amount to anything makes them stronger and more determined, like a lioness on rollerskates or defeated and beaten. Like a tired old bow-wow.

This week Liz was picked to pieces by someone she respected. And it hurt. 


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Doing Something That Scares The Pants Off You

I have been working on my book for almost two years. Last month I completed it. And so it was time. Time to let an editor take a look.


Handing it over to a “proper writer” (someone who has actually finished and published their work as opposed to someone who dilly-dallies around and spends most of her days fantasising about signing hardbacks in the foyer of WHSmiths) was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. 

But I did it. 

In this week’s episode, not only will you be treated to a reading of the opening chapter of my book, but I will also share what happened when the editor responded. Stand by…




Links Mentioned in The Show: My Newsletter

My most thought-provoking writing is shared in my weekly newsletter. With the people that I care about the most. I would love to welcome you into that cherished space. 

Sign up HERE, and I will send you my free weekly newsletter. It is filled with nothing but goodness and thought-provoking stuff. You will love it. But be warned. Sometimes I cry and drink wine while I’m writing. All at the same time. If that sounds like your sort of thing, then sign up here, and we will be lifelong friends.


Liz Deacle


We LOVE Housesitting. Want to Try it too? 

If you have been following this podcast for a while, then you will know that we have just returned for six months in Europe and Asia. While we were there, we did a lot of housesitting. We are constantly asked how we did this and if we can share the website that we used. So here it is:

The initial ‘looking part’ is free. You can oggle all of the beautiful houses around the world that are waiting for YOU to look after them. Take a sneak peek here! (As I say, looking is completely free, so gander to your heart’s content).

Then, if you are serious about using Housesitting as a tool to travel the world for free (as we do), you can use my exclusive discount code to save yourself 20% by Clicking here.

Still not sure about paying for a Housesitting membership? Remember that the cost of a yearly membership (approx $80 using the discount code above) will be paid back (and more) on the first housesitting night. It really is that simple!





If you are moving to New Zealand and are in search of the BEST New Zealand content in the world, then check out our other fabulous Podcast – NZ AHEAD


Want More Brilliant Podcast Episodes Like This?

The Harsh Realities of Returning Home

It’s scary, but it’s done 

Tossing and Turning in Thailand

She’s Gone. was it a SECRET or a LIE?

Feeling Emotional. The Next Step.

Italian Men Pigs, And Pigeons

Drenched, Bothered And Bewildered

Travel The World For FREE. All About Housesitting 

We’re Leaving New Zealand.

Why I’m Terrified to Travel.

 How We Afford To Travel the World

Greece?? For a Month?? How Much Does THAT Cost??

Up, Down And BUST

England We Love You…Sort Of


Can’t Wait To Travel Again? Here’s Some Inspiring Content For You!


World Travel. What Nobody Ever Warns You About

Travelling With kids. How to Stay Sane (ish) Until Wine O’Clock

How to Travel The World For Free. Or at Least Very, Very Cheap.

Italy Travel (Like You’ve Never Seen Before. In Your Life.)

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