Stop Worrying About Your Teenagers. I Dare You.

Stop Worrying About Your Teenagers. I Dare You.

Last week I had the most terrible day.

After being on our world backpacking trip for ten months, my daughter had a meltdown and told me she couldn’t wait to go home and never wanted to set foot on an aeroplane ever again.

Not ideal when your future plans include being a family travel blogger who is going to climb mountains and swin seas with her kids in tow.

She went on to say that travelling was my dream and not hers and that she was sick of sharing her knickers with her mother who is nearly 50.

Fair enough. (more…)

I Want A Location Independent Lifestyle. Show Me How. And Quickly.

I Want A Location Independent Lifestyle. Show Me How. And Quickly.

Over the past twelve months, I have pretty much told you everything. Shared my intimate life details with you through this blog.

Some members of my family think I’m mental. Why would you want to share your private life with strangers they ask.

My answer? To show people what it’s like. So that they can know that whatever it is they dream of doing, they can do it – be it travelling the world, changing career paths or finding an online location independent job so that they can be at home with their kids more.

If I can do it anyone can do it. You just have to be brave. And in my case, consume lots of wine.


Renting Your House for a Year While You Travel The World. The Reality.

Renting Your House for a Year While You Travel The World. The Reality.

Before you begin the process of renting your house to another family, shifting your whole life into the loft so that you can live out your latest dream and travel the world for a year with your family, you will wrongly assume that you are living a sort of normal, clean, unattached life.

You will have this illusion that possessions mean nothing to you, that you’re a hippy chic that could wipe around her relatively clean and tidy house with a bleachy cloth and be out of the door and on the next plane to Florida before the sun sets.

And oddly enough, other people will have this misconception of you too.

They will come round to your house for dinner, see a clean-on-the-surface house; but will never be allowed to venture into the bedrooms.

They may see a dog that has just been walked and so doesn’t sit there with her teeth chattering when someone picks up her ball.

Or they might see kids that have just been rolllocked and warned that if they get their phones out at dinner, there will be hell to pay.

And finally, they will see a husband and wife that always seem so relaxed and chilled but who actually downed half a bottle of rum before you arrived.

You and I have a lot in common. Let’s be friends. (more…)

Stop Worrying About The Future. It Hasn’t Happened Yet.

Stop Worrying About The Future. It Hasn’t Happened Yet.

Worrying about the future. That’s what I’ve been up to. This post is over a week old. I’ve been too scared to share it with you. It’s a post about worrying about the future and what that looks like.  I couldn’t bring myself to hit the publish button. I thought you might think I was a big baby. A mardy scaredy pants. And then I remembered my promise to you -that I would always tell you the truth. And so here it is. My diary from ten mornings ago. Written at 7 am after having spent half the night lying awake worrying about the future. Worrying about our big adventure. To leave everything behind and travel the world for a year. (more…)

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