Living in New Zealand. What The First 6 Months Were REALLY Like.
In this week’s show, we are happy to welcome back Maile and Brian!
This American couple left the US almost six months ago to start a new life in Dunedin, New Zealand. They are happy with their decision (in fact, I have never met two people so in love with a country) but their journey certainly wasn’t all plain sailing.
Americans Living in New Zealand. The Highs (& The Lows).
If you are moving to New Zealand from the USA then you will love this show.
No one can predict how they will feel when they move to another country. Maile and Brian certainly never expected to experience the flood of emotions that came within the first few months of arriving in New Zealand.
The thing that I love about this couple is their ability to talk things through. They are so very transparent. This openness is a gift to everyone out there thinking of making the same move to New Zealand.

Maile with the two Brians!
How We Met Brian and Maile
Last year, Maile had emailed me to say that she was thinking of moving to New Zealand and could I put her in touch with any other nurses who were doing the same.
Back then, we hadn’t started the private New Zealand community that we now have, but I emailed Maile back and told her that I was about to do a podcast interview with Katie, a nurse who was in the process of moving to Dunedin.
A month or so later, when Brian and I created our NZ Ahead Membership Package (Formerly Moving to and Living in New Zealand Package), I contacted Maile and Brian and asked them if they’d like to join. They did and the rest is history!
A few months later Maile and Brian moved to Dunedin and in December 2021 Brian and I flew down to spend a few days with them.

Maile and Liz in Dunedin city centre.
The Importance of surrounding Yourself With like-minded People.
Maile is a valuable and very treasured member of our private community (that we affectionately call the NZ Slackers!). The help that she offers to new arrivals and those thinking of moving to the country is priceless.
Maile goes that extra mile to help people (she has just helped Emil, a nurse from the Netherlands, land a job in the same hospital as her, he and his family will move here in a few months!). It is so very exciting to watch as people come together and help each other realise their common dream of moving to New Zealand.

In Dunedin, New Zealand surrounded by new friends who met by joining the NZ Ahead private community!
Connect with Maile, Brian & many other wannabe kiwis by joining our NZ Ahead Membership!
Are you Considering Moving To New Zealand and are desperate to know what life in New Zealand is (really) like? Do You LOVE New Zealand & dream of moving here one day?
Sign up HERE, and I will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5 Part Video Series! At the end of the series, you will be offered details of how to become part of our inspiring and growing private New Zealand Calling community.
FOLLOW Maile & Brian on their Youtube Channel Zoomies Abroad!
Moving to New Zealand? Here’s More Content For You!
Taranaki. Why We Consider It One Of The BEST Places In NZ To Live.
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Life in New Zealand Compared to the UK. From a Kiwi Who’s Tried Both
Leaving America to live in New Zealand
7 Things That Scared us About Moving To New Zealand
Living in New Zealand. Why 30% Of Immigrants Go Back Home
Moving to New Zealand. The How’s, the Whys and the Hoops.
Moving to New Zealand. 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid Making
Americans in New Zealand. Will They Ever Feel at Home?
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Behind The Scenes Podcast Episodes
(Where we share the things that are happening in our lives right now).
Episode #1: Meeting Our Teenage Daughter. Life at 17.
Episode #2: Our Son at 20. Homeschooled. No College. Three Jobs.
Episode #3: We Met Online. The Māori Subscribers Who Changed Our Lives.
Episode #4: The REAL Reason We Left the UK.
Episode #5: Quitting School. Now What?
Episode #6. Dealing With The Mistakes You Make Online
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